November 9, 2012

Rain Dance

As an Arizona Native of the Sonoran desert there is one thing we love more then anything else and that is the Rain. When the rain comes to the valley of the sun, you can smell the creosote, see the gigantic thunderheads, and hear the rumbling thunder. This is a time when the Earth speaks to us. The vibration of the sky, connecting to the soft dirt of the Earth, helps us to fell the trance. Leading us into a natural way of life. Anticipation of what is to come next on our journey is what we are left with as we walk deeper into the Sonoran Desert dancing in the rain.
We all have a connection with Nature, laying dormant deep with the core of our humanity. Finding that, and driving that way of life will help you and future communities to flourish respecting all Natures of Life. Like reawakening the dry desert with the moisture of the sky.You are one with Nature, find more thought provoking desert writings at

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